
Foshan Shiwan pottery master works- Bodhidharma 石湾陶艺公仔大师 刘泽棉 作品 达摩

Original price was: $4,980.00.Current price is: $3,980.00.

石湾陶艺公仔大师 刘泽棉Shiwan Ceramic Doll Master Liu Zemian

刘泽棉 Liu Zemian,

国家级非物质文化遗产传承人 National Intangible Cultural Heritage inheritor

男,汉族,1937年9月出生,广东佛山人。第一批国家级非物质文化遗产项目石湾陶塑技艺代表性传承人,中国工艺美术大师。石湾陶艺大都是家族传承,刘泽棉是其家族的第四代传人。Male, Han ethnicity, born in September 1937, from Foshan, Guangdong. He is a representative inheritor of the first batch of National Intangible Cultural Heritage project, Shiwan ceramic sculpture art, and a Chinese arts and crafts master. Shiwan ceramic art is mostly passed down through families, and Liu Zemian is the fourth-generation inheritor of his family.

拍卖会记录 Auction Record: RMB 1,150,000

北京保利十周年秋季拍卖会 成交价 RMB 1,150,000


7190 1985年 刘泽棉 《背扇钟馗》陶塑

估价 800,000-1,200,000     成交价 RMB 1,150,000

At the Beijing Poly 10th Anniversary Autumn Auction in December 2-9, 2015, Lot 7190 was sold for RMB 1,150,000. The lot was a 1985 ceramic sculpture by Liu Ze Mian titled “Zhong Kui with a Folding Fan on his Back”, with an estimated value of RMB 800,000-1,200,000.


Dimension 25 (W长) X 19 (D 宽) X 39 (H 高) CM 厘米

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Foshan Shiwan pottery master works- Bodhidharma 石湾陶艺公仔大师 刘泽棉 作品 达摩

Dimension 25 (W长) X 19 (D 宽) X 39 (H 高) CM 厘米

#Shiwan_Pottery, #石湾陶艺 #石湾公仔 #达摩
Shiwan Pottery- 石湾陶艺 (Shiwan pottery) is a type of ceramic handicraft produced in the town of Shiwan, located in the Nanhai District of Foshan City in Guangdong Province, China. With a long history dating back to the Ming Dynasty, Shiwan pottery is known for its exquisite craftsmanship and unique designs that combine traditional techniques with modern artistic concepts.

Shiwan pottery comes in various forms, such as tea sets, tableware, vases, stationery, and decorative items. Among them, Shiwan pottery tea sets are the most representative, featuring traditional handcrafted shapes, bright colors, and a rich cultural heritage. In particular, Shiwan pottery teaware has excellent heat conductivity, allowing the tea to fully brew and release its flavors and aromas.

Shiwan pottery has become an important cultural industry in Foshan, and is not only popular in the domestic market but also highly regarded internationally.




达摩 (Damo) is a legendary figure in Chinese Buddhism who is widely considered to be the founder of the Chan (Zen) school of Buddhism in China. According to tradition, he was an Indian prince who traveled to China to spread the teachings of Buddhism. Damo is also known as Bodhidharma in Sanskrit.

Damo is believed to have emphasized the importance of meditation and direct experience in the practice of Buddhism. He is said to have spent many years meditating in a cave on Mount Songshan in China, where he faced many challenges and eventually achieved enlightenment. Damo also taught at the Shaolin Temple and is credited with the creation of the martial arts practiced by the temple’s monks.

Although much of Damo’s life and teachings are based on legend, he is considered to be an important figure in the history of Chinese Buddhism and his influence can still be seen in the practice of Chan Buddhism today.

达摩 (Damo) 是一位传说中的禅宗祖师,也被认为是少林寺的开山祖师之一。据传,达摩是5世纪时期印度的一个王子,后来前往中国传授禅宗教义。达摩被认为是禅宗典籍《坛经》和《法宝经》的作者。他强调禅修的实践性和体验性,认为通过禅修可以直接领悟佛性,而不必通过经文和仪式。



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Additional information

Weight 3 kg
Dimensions 35 × 29 × 49 cm


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